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Your Next Read: Mislaid by Nell Zink


by Nell Zink

Ah, the American vision of a Nuclear Family -- Father, Mother, Son, and Daughter living together in a beautiful home hosting interesting house guests as they live their perfect lives. Might make for a pleasant life, but likely a very boring story. Luckily, Nell Zink takes these seemingly dull character outlines and shoves a little unexpected reality into her tale of the Flemings.

First, a look at the characters. Lee Fleming, the Father, is a not-quite-closeted gay poet from a rich family who isn't seeing a dime himself and is hiding his lack of funds by teaching at a women's college. Peggy, the Mother, is a budding lesbian also from a well-to-do family who is just boyish enough to attract Lee's attention. Then you have Brydie, the preppy Son who is going places and Mirielle, the dim but lovable Daughter who wants everyone to just get along.

Getting along certainly is not this family's strong suit. With parents like Lee and Peggy it is no surprise that emotions will run high and the consequences will be even higher. Along the way the book wades through such a variety of topics related to feminism and racism and the many double standards inherent in those discussions. The book is sharp and packs quite the bite.

Mislaid is an unexpected misadventure of love and family. From how it starts to how it ends every page is dripping in missteps, misunderstandings, and misguided choices. You'll find yourself asking "How the hell did we get here?" Intriguing look into what may be the most American family you could find with every potential flaw you could imagine.


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